Investor & Entrepreneur
Get these off me! The best experience being a parent is trying all the stuff you can think of on your kids. They are the cutest and even the ugliest wig can make them even more adorable.
December 27, 2014
Space Mountain Adventure. Little Brooke loves exciting digital rides and wishes she could build one of these in their backyard. James, together with his wife and daughter, enjoys the outer space experience during this indoor adventure.
December 25, 2014
Annual Science Fair. It's that time of year again when James and Michelle get to help Sydney with her science fair project. Her father learned that warm water is better that hot water when it comes to yeast. That may be a reason why bread never rises well in much higher temperature. Parenting really teaches so many lessons in life, including Science.
November 19, 2014
Look how talented my Jamie is. Some things never change. Jamie will always be his dad's baby and even after starting her own family, she still brings smile to her parents by being an excellent wife and mother.
October 30, 2014
Pumpkin book report for Sydney today. Being a dad and having a daughter who motivates your everyday life is one of life's most astounding blessings. Sydney Ruesch, the smart and cute daughter of James, flashes her book report, making his dad proud.
October 28, 2014
Crazy hair day at school for Brooke. Life is too boring when you are consistently doing the usual things. James loves it whenever his daughter transforms from being simple to an outrageously more attractive entity.
October 28, 2014 ยท
Looks just like her grandpa, only cuter. If being able to hold your grandchild in your arms is a great feeling, what more if you eventually recognize the similarities the two of you have. The Ruesch blood is indeed thicker than clay and this amazes the older generation, finding themselves in the eyes of their little ones.
October 2, 2014
Over achiever. Brooke never fails to make James proud by her expected achievements in school. Her creativity and smart ways of getting things done are just some of the amazing traits she inherited from her father.
September 29, 2014
Disney day at work. After a long day of hard work, the Ruesch family deserves a fun time at the world's happiest place, Disneyland. Although it's said to be one of the most enjoyable places on Earth, nothing still beats the joy when you are with the ones you love, your inspirations.
September 27, 2014
Sweet little Ellie. James Ruesch's Ellie is well on her way to becoming an upstanding, reputable, conservative Republican under Grandpa's watchful eye.
September 9, 2014